AI Technology

We keep hearing about AI being used in various everyday technology we now take for granted. But AI also has a dark side. Here is a very entertaining 45-minute movie, that exposes some of the nefarious purposes that are being now being developed using AI that may change the world as we now know it forever.

Video Transcript Excerpt: "This is Cyrus Aparsa with the AR organization let me tell you the story of AI (Artificial Intelligence)

According to scientists, artificial intelligence has three stages the first stage is artificial narrow intelligence which includes your largest sides drones and robotics to be deployed on the coming 5G and 6g networks in addition to being introduced to the entire society. Video Transcript Excerpt: "This is Cyrus Aparsa with the AR organization let me tell you the story of AI (Artificial Intelligence)

According to scientists, artificial intelligence has three stages the first stage is artificial narrow intelligence which includes your largest sides drones and robotics to be deployed on the coming 5G and 6g networks in addition to being introduced to the entire society. The next stage is artificial general intelligence, which is comprised of digital AI.

A robot or a bio-digital AI that has free-thinking and even vices such as lust, greed, anger, hate, jealousy, pride, ego, and ignorance.

The next step is artificial super the extraction of all of the human beings' biometrics. These include recognition.

like your voice recognition, vital organ detection, skin detection, skeleton detection, and various other bios digital electrical field data that is comprised of a human being and its existence.

Currently, Google has extracted the majority of the world's data. Their bot visits capturing AI coding and AI algorithms that extract this information from the Internet, videos, and articles.

Your smartphone can already detect your health data, menstrual cycle, and even your heartbeat. Even the skin receptors on your body can detect and scan.

It actually connects with your nervous system and you're neural networks via multiple patented technology to interconnect Google with the internet's ecosystem.

Also with mobile carriers and the machinery that is involved within your smartphone because your smartphone is actually a weapon. It was designed as a military weapon by entities such as DARPA and the military.

Because smartphones were meant to mobilize drones and machines.

China's Silk Road

This is a road being built by China that is connecting Far East China to the Middle East, to Europe, and to Africa

Over 5 billion people's lives are interconnected with china at the moment through Huawei and different corporations.

Weaponized Insects

Companies like Face Plus plus McVeigh which is a facial recognition company that turned into an artificial intelligence company that purchased a robotics company. They now have human targeting systems that can detect your skeleton, your gaze your posture the way you move your voice recognition. Even your vital organ detection with Lidar systems.

This technology can even be put on drones and weaponized!

The WHIS institute out of Boston created little micro drones designed to pollinate the world on the 5G and 6g networks. DARPA created little cybernetic enhanced dragonflies and other insects that they're working on.

China through espionage IP theft and study extracted Robo-B technology. From the West Institute, they extracted Cybernetically enhanced designs of dragonflies from DARPA. They also extracted from Harvard. And they've been working on these for years.

These robotic insect drones can be dispatched on the 5G networks in addition to Digital IDs, these AI insects can be used as delivery systems that can be targeted to inject poison using nanotechnology...

Maybe Elon Musk had it right all along with these quotes on AI:

"Mark my words, AI is far more dangerous than nukes…why do we have no regulatory oversight?"

"If AI has a goal and humanity just happens to be in the way, it will destroy humanity as a matter of course without even thinking about it…It’s just like if we’re building a road and an anthill just happens to be in the way, we don’t hate ants, we’re just building a road."

"Mark my words, AI is far more dangerous than nukes…why do we have no regulatory oversight?"

"I have exposure to the most cutting edge AI, and I think people should be really concerned by it…AI is a fundamental risk to the existence of human civilization in a way that car accidents, airplane crashes, faulty drugs, or bad food were not — they were harmful to a set of individuals within society, of course, but they were not harmful to society as a whole."

Next time you use your Alexa device, SmartPhone, or favorite media streamer. You are using AI technology while still in the primitive stage for now. Which is all fun and games for now until mankind gets hurt by this technology.

To learn more watch the video below, it was very well done. If it was a SciFi movie it would be highly entertaining. But since it's based on reality, and the future of AI technology it may also seem a little downright scary.