Watch A Charlie Brown Christmas On Apple TV+

Watch A Charlie Brown Christmas Now FREE On Apple TV+

What better way to celebrate Christmas than by gathering the family all around the big screen TV to watch the timeless 1965 holiday classic A Charlie Brown Christmas. It is playing right now on the Apple TV+ streaming channel and is Free for AppleTV Plus subscribers.

The Apple TV+ Channel features original content and it costs $4.99/month after a free 7/day trial. Apple also offered a free extended one year trial for anyone buying select Apple hardware.

While the included content is not anywhere as large as what one would find on more established streaming services. Some shows are uniques and interesting to watch on Apple's streaming channel.

But today on Christmas day, many eyes will be focused on Charlie Brown's sad little Christmas tree, and the story it has to tell. IMDB gives the film an 8.3 rating.

Here is the Synopsis:

A Charlie Brown Christmas Lyrics

"Depressed at the commercialism he sees around him, Charlie Brown tries to find a deeper meaning to Christmas." 

At 25 minutes long, this movie would be considered a short film by today's standards. In fact, it's more like a TV episode than a two hour plus movie. But its entertainment factor is still there for us to enjoy, and its underlying message was to teach both young and old the true meaning of Christmas is really about much more than giving and receiving Christmas gifts.

A Charlie Brown Christmas movie can be watched now on AppleTV Plus or watch the free scenes below on YouTube. 

Lyrics from Mariah Carey Charlie Brown Christmas Song Video

Watch it here...

Christmas time is here Happiness and cheer Fun for all that children call Their favorite time of year

Snowflakes in the air Carols everywhere Olden times and ancient rhymes Of love and dreams to share

Sleighbells in the air Beauty everywhere Yuletide by the fireside And joyful memories there

Christmas time is here We'll be drawing near Oh, that we could always see Such spirit through the year Oh, that we could always see Such spirit through the year 

Besides the Charlie Brown Christmas Special, Apple also cut deals to offer Charlie Brown Halloween and Thanksgiving specials also on their streaming TV platform.

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